For those of you keeping up, you’ll remember that last month’s “things I was doing” was all about my obsession with Hurricane Irma!

Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc on many travel plans. Hopefully everyone had travel insurance or could afford to do their travel changes easily enough. I will give a big shout out to Virgin American Airlines and for being so gracious with my plan changes!

Thank you!!

My plans for September were to be in California with clients and friends. That changed to October. October came and off I flew via Virgin Airlines, which I love, to Los Angeles.

I arrived at Orlando International Airport waiting through the llooonnnngggg TSA line of parents and children leaving Disney World. I feel for parents. That has to suck having a single women behind you rolling her eyes at you while you lug your kids, bags, strollers, bags, husband (or boyfriend) and bags all with sugar hyped, sleep deprived children. I’m sure I didn’t help. That being said – we in Florida love your tourist dollars …. so sugar on my Florida tourist families!

I got my payback for my eye rolling when I went to sit down in the terminal to wait for my flight. It came in the form of a man who did not like that I sat in the chair behind him. He said to me “Could you move?” to which I said “What?” then he elaborated. “You seem like a really nice women. But could you move?” not exactly sure how to take this request, I replied “So you’re saying you want your space.” He nodded. I moved.

I met clients and was asked to be on a podcast with Wei Houng of The 6 Figure Academy! You can listen to the interview below:

I had a great time meeting clients. I did a Past Life Regression with Kim Trotman (oh, yeah … that happened! (Blog post coming!). I was able to visit the Rio Hondo Golf Course for a client networking event. Take a look at those views (below)!

Then we were taken to a bakery called Porto’s Bakery. Oh. My. God … this is what we saw …

… and this is what we did when we saw…

Lastly … I ended my time in California with these views hours before my flight. It was amazing and I miss seeing the Pacific Ocean. I hope to be back again!

Until next time California, I’ll be dreaming of you ….